“See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time.”
– Robin Williams
Once I thought there were two modes of thinking when it comes to men; which is when he is thinking with his penis, and when he is thinking with his brain. But there is also the thinking and communication that comes from the heart.
It’s amazing how much a man’s personality can change when he is horny. If you want him to take out the garbage – wait until he wants sex. Then you can not only get him to do that, but if the vacuuming needs done… seize the opportunity, obviously.
There are so many bases I can attack here, but I will try and go where I think I will go with this one…
When In a Relationship
His Head
This is when he is at his most “normal” state. This is the man you have decided to fall in love with. If you don’t like the way he is, in this state of mind then pack your bags, because it’s not going to get much different to this. Once the “honeymoon” period has been and gone this is essentially what you’re stuck with.
Sure, some people can change, but usually they don’t. If you try and change him, he will eventually rebel and it could get messy. If you want flowers and chocolates and all those cute relationshipy type things that go with it – if he didn’t do it after the honeymoon period he may never will.
The catch 22 is, if you try and prod them and throw them hints about showering you with gifts or even some appreciation it will either fall on deaf ears, or they will become agitated that you’re prodding them in the first place. These things are supposed to be a surprise and should come naturally.
As I said, like everything, there are always exceptions to the rule; there are guys out there who will buy flowers and shower their partner with love and affection. But there are also guys who, when they come home with a bunch of flowers, have guilt as their motivation…as opposed to love.
His Cock
When the blood flows down to between his legs, he becomes a different person… or rather, two possible people. He can either be “The Charmer” or “The Self-Imposed Stud”. The roll of the stud refers to the tactic used to get sex from the woman. The stud not only thinks he’s God’s gift to women and therefore all should be grateful that he wants to fuck you; the stud won’t ask for sex, but instead declare, “hey let’s fuck…”, and possibly roll off other classic one-liners such as, “You know you can’t say no to this!” which usually follows with ‘Mr Winky’ being plopped over your shoulder, the dinner plate, in your face while you’re watching TV or at any number of (from a female point of view) inappropriate locations and times.
But “The Charmer” is the most common approach…
He’s nicer, loving, charming and sweet. Flowers may have already been used to try and sweeten you up, and he seems to be more like the guy you wanted in the first place. I guess the longer he has been without it the more loveable he might be. If you are a woman and have the ability to actually control the bedroom and how much horizontal limbo that goes on, then you might actually be able to use him to do whatever bidding you want.
But alas, this is still only a ploy. He puts on the show because he knows this might be the only way to get you into bed. Like the stud approach, this approach also works and usually has a higher rate of success. It is also the most common, as 90% of all women know it’s fake, but at least they can appreciate the fact that he’s trying. Getting some attention is one thing, even if it is fake. Getting him to do some cleaning up and other odd chores in the process is a bonus. Who knows, there might be a chance he will actually satisfy you and not be the dreaded two minute noodle.
His Heart
When the heart is doing all the talking, for a guy it’s a rare thing. But it does happen. Most of us know what it’s like to be in love, and appreciate being loved. Sometimes we can get emotional and soppy, and sometimes a moment of reflection and appreciation can come over us and for a split second, we can become almost saintly, and God-like. The ideal man can sometimes come into the picture for women. For all the guys who haven’t really experienced this flowing emotional “love” towards another – don’t forget; love and lust are two different things. One could compare it to seeing your first child being born and seeing it all unfold before you.
There are sometimes tears and enlightening happiness; that my friend is what real love can bring you. When this happens, if sex becomes the next thing after you profess said love towards your significant other and you have the intention of making love to her, not fucking her; she will happily do it because you are more inclined to take your time, and perhaps create some foreplay before the play. It’s a win-win; the sex is longer and better, and she stands a good chance of not only feeling appreciated and loved, but coming away satisfied to boot.
Speaking from the heart not only sends a clear message that you do actually love her; you can tell that you’re being honest as well as you can smell bullshit a mile off. If you fuck up due to bullshit and lies then they will use it against you later.
Lesson here: Speak from the heart and the legs gladly part. Speak from the hip, and the quality is shit.
When Out of the Relationship
His Head
Depending how the relationship ended, there are two forms of thinking; one train of thought is that you’re glad you have left the woman and the other is denial that it’s over. Common sense should be at his highest point. Clear thinking about moving on, reflection and learning from the breakup is usually what it’s all about.
His Cock
This is where you’re in the frame of mind where you believe that maybe you could hook back up and have a quick goodbye fuck, or when you over-power the common sense laws on why you broke up with her in the first place, so that you could just fuck again. Even if the sex wasn’t that good or she complained, it doesn’t matter right now; because you just want to fuck. Even if she broke up with you, the confidence coming from the cock (excuse the pun) even pushes you to think about the idea of facing her again and putting on the moves. You’ve become superman for the moment, and you feel that whether she broke up with you or you her, no woman can resist the throbbing of manhood that’s in your pants.
Boy, you’re in for a surprise. But sadly, you never know. There are some dumb chicks out there.
His Heart
Johnny O’Keefe once sang, “You’ll never cherish a love so true, until you lose it”, and it’s true. When you break up, whether it’s your doing or hers, there comes time for reflection. A lot of people focus on the good times and this sometimes leads to reunited relationships which is occasionally a good thing, but when the relationship was a truly bad one; thinking about only the good and not the bad times (the ones that caused the breakup in the first place) is only going to lead to more hurt and emotional pain.
When a relationship ends, who’s fault it is doesn’t matter. There were obviously good times and bad ones. But the thing is, even in this reflective state, you really need to find out why it ended and learn from it. Sometimes this reflection will allow you to grow and the next relationship will be even better. Sometimes the reflection will allow you to realise what kind of a fool you were and allow you to talk to the partner you just broke up with so perhaps both of you can learn from it. Hell, you might even get back together.
We all think that when a couple breaks up, one of them gets the epiphany that they fucked up and that the other will take them back; usually in a crowed room, or just as she’s about to marry that guy that the parents liked over you when you know deep down she’s your girl.
But it doesn’t happen like that.
When a guy lives on his own, has never had a relationship, or hasn’t had a proper relationship for some time; the only relationship he has is obviously with himself. However, this doesn’t stop his head, his cock and his heart from dictating him. The head takes on the role of the depressor and motivational speaker. Constantly telling the soul to get up, clean your act up and start doing something about finding someone and getting on with life.
A man’s heart no matter how tough his exterior is, wants to be loved. Whether that’s a Freudian motherly type of love, normal love, or even love from another man; we all want to love, to be loved and usually have an excuse to give it. Some of us just suck at doing it properly. At the end of the day, even lonely souls just yearn to be held, loved and appreciated. All fantasise about going out for dinner with a significant other, romantic getaways and really terrific sex. A lot of guys dream of being Mr. Romance to win the woman over like Clark Gable or George Clooney, but 90% of the time if they are lucky to pull a chick; most of those good intentions go out the window. She’s cooking the dinner and he’s on the lounge or working.
His Head, Cock and Heart as an Entity:
When it’s time to re-court, to find a new lover, or girlfriend, the three have to come together, as they realise that one will need the other to have a chance to win over a new love, let alone to score. Although the more the heart does the talking; the more chance that the relationship will last and the more the chance you’re going to get “somewhere” with the girl. Whether that’s the bedroom or some kind of relationship really depends on the words that are spoken. Only a very small amount of women will respond if the cock talks right away.
That’s the sort of woman I wouldn’t want to introduce to my mother anyway.